
International Technology Antenna - ITA

INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ANTENNA - ITA is a company registered in the Directory of Enterprises and Institutions as well as the Registry of the Trades under the identifiers :

IVA : FR08 814091252 - SIREN : 814 091 252 - SIRET : 814 091 252 00019 - NAF : 2630Z - RM : 814091252RM027

"VAT not applicable - Article 293 B of the General Tax Code"

INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ANTENNA is a registered trademark of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) under the identifier :

N° National : 00 3 025 151

The site is owned by Mr. Bruno CLAEYS who is also the creator, webmaster and publication manager (CNIL declaration n ° 1898330v0).

Adress :

Bruno CLAEYS - ITA - 9, rue de l'Obélisque - 27750 La Couture Boussey - France

Contact :

24h/7j E-mail :

Web hosting :

 YOORshop SAS - RCS Lyon 817 466 147 - Web site :

Adress : 52, route du clos - 69700 Montagny - France.